Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Chic, Clean and Fit for a Princess: When fashion meets home decorating Part Deux

As mentioned in a previous post, I am currently in the process of adding some updates to my room in order to achieve that princess-y, shabby chic look that Rachel Ashwell does so well. So far I have invested in a lace trim 400-thread count sheet set courtesy of Century 21 in Manhattan, a crystal post lamp and some lovely air spray from Calypso. In the process of adding these pieces to my room (and unpacking all of my luggage from NYC) I have realized the importance of tidy, clean organization. What's the point of putting all these beautiful pieces into my bedroom, if it is not clean to show it all off? With that in mind, I have neatly organized different parts of my room and I hope you find my tips as helpful as I did!

To the left we have the contents of my jewellery box. As you can see, I have a lot of pieces that I have accumulated over the years. Many are vintage pieces, flea market finds, passed on from family members or freebies!

Each piece has a special place in my heart from my Juicy Couture tiger charm necklace that is a tribute to my late cat, Spike and my cocktail rings that make me feel like a glamour-puss! I have an intense love for costume jewellery and let me tell you, there is nothing worse than having a jewellery box filled with tangled, cluttered jewellery. Not only does it increase the chance of your jewellery chains and jewels breaking (this has happened to me) but it distracts you from all the wonderful pieces you have. So read on my friend and discover a few easy tips to making that jewellery box look fabulous!

1) Find a jewellery box with compartments

This will make your organizing so much easier especially when you are running out the door and want to get that perfect necklace in a hurry! Try lower end departments or craft stores to find affordable and practical jewellery boxes. I got mine from Zellers.

2) Sort your by end use

This means the necklaces go with the necklaces, rings with rings, bracelets with bracelets. You get my drift? This way it will minimize the chances of your dainty charm necklace getting caught in the middle of your favourite chunky bracelet and cocktail ring.

3) Keep your prized possessions neat and tidy

Don't just throw those sparkly things in your jewellery box. This includes after a late night or stressful day. You took the time and money to invest in the piece, take care of it! By doing this you will increase the longevity and wearability of all of your jewellery, including the dollar store finds.

4) Clean those baubles

Just like your clothes, jewellery gets dirty, so make sure to clean it every so often. If you wear silver jewellery, you can often clean your pieces with some tooth paste and a tooth brush. It's that easy! You can also refer to an article here for some more tips on how to keep your jewellery looking its shiniest.

5) Always remember you get what you give

The more time you invest in taking care of your jewellery, the longer it will look absolutely fabulous. Just think one day your pieces will be considered vintage and you can show your grandchildren what old grandma or grandpa used to wear in their yesteryears!



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