Thursday, August 26, 2010

Curly Haired Girls? This one is for you!

 We all now how annoying the humid weather can be especially when it comes to your beauty routine, slippery make-up and frizzy hair? No thanks! It can be especially annoying when you have curly hair because one step outside can make it look like you stuck your finger in an electrical socket! Although it is nice to embrace your waves in the hot weather, there are some days when you want to smooth out your curly strands. For all the curly haired girls out there this one is for youThe trick to taming curly hair when all you want to do is whip out the flat iron in the middle of the summer, is none other than pure almond oil. It is 100% natural, moisturizing (without being too greasy) and makes your hair super shiny. You can find almond oil at your local health food store or Whole Foods. 
Now, taking your hair from frizzy to flat will be as easy as 1,2,3!

Number One: 

Wash and condition your hair with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. I suggest using a thick, deep conditioner in your hair and leaving it in for 15-30 minutes first and then shampooing it out later. Try using Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise that can be found at Shoppers Drug Mart. The extra moisture will help prevent any potential frizzies.

Number Two:

Once you hair is washed, divide it into eight small sections and apply a dime-sized amount of almond oil to each section. The amount of almond oil you use depends on the thickness of your hair. If you have thinner hair, you can put the almond oil in four sections instead of eight.

Number Three:

After you have divided the sections, blow dry each one until it is completely dry. Keep in mind the smaller the sections, the smoother the hair. For extra smoothness, use your flat iron and glide it though each section until you get your desired smoothness. 

Voila! It’s just a few easy steps to get those frizz-free silky tresses. 



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